Wessex was the last kingdom left under Anglo-Saxon rule. In 871 the vikings attacked it and its , Ethelred I died. A
viking victory seemed certain. But the Alfred, would not give in. His courage, determination and skill saved Wessex and made
it the foundation for the United England.
Alfred knew his Viking enemy from fighting them in Mercia with Ethelred. But Ethelred died in the first battles and Alfred
had to make peace. The victorious Vikings went North to fight Rebels in Northumbria. Then in 875 a new Viking army arrived.
Part of it again marched North. The rest, led by Guthrum, launched a new campaign against Wessex in 878.
The attack caught the men of Wessex by surprise. Most were at home on their farms. Almost all the dom surrendered but not
Alfred. He escaped to hide in the Somerset marshes and planned who to win back his kingdomdom. He gathered a new army, and
in Spring marched out to defeat the Vikings at Edington.
Alfred's greatness was clear, to his followers and his enemies. He had shown that the vikings could be beaten. Now hoping
to keep the peace, he let Guthrum's men settle in East Anglia.
To make Wessex strong, Alfred built forts called Burghs, which grew into thriving towns. He also gained support from his
neighbours in Mercia and in Wales. When the Danes attacked Kent, Alfred was able to overcome them. In 886 he led his victorious
army into London and rebuilt the city walls. All the English now saw him as king. He made good laws, restored monasteries,
and had books written, in both Latin and english. For his achievements he is the only English called "the Great".