The Romans Take control.
After Boudicca’s revolt, the Romans took a further hold on
Southern Britain. At first they punished the Britons, by burning farms and villages. Then they began to govern more justly
to gain favour with more British Chieftains. “They create grief and ruin and call it peace.” Grumbled Calgacus,
a northern leader.
Southern Britain was peaceful. Now the Romans turned to the regions in the north and the west, which were
still free from Roman Rule.
Wales was rich in minerals that included, Gold, silver, and copper. There was also lead and tin, from which
bronze could be made. Governor Frontinus, and Agricola after him, gained control of Wales inn the AD 70’s. Agricola
was a Gaul from Southern France and one of Rome’s best generals. He led an army into the mountains of Snowdonia and
crushed the last British resistance.
The Romans founded the fortress town of Chester. From Frontier forts they sent patrols to keep watch over
rival tribes. The army were capable of swiftly ending any rebellions. The Brigantes of the North had been friendly to Rome
but then turned against their queen and revolted. The Brigantes were defeated and the Romans built a new army base at York.
In AD 79, Agricola and his forces marched further north to invade Caledonia (Scotland) at the battle of
Mons Graupius in 84, his army defeated the Scottish tribes.
To help rule Britain, the Romans set up local government areas covering roughly the old tribal lands. Each
area had a council made up of chieftains and landowners, who kept law and order and collected taxes. In this way, the Romans
won the loyalty of British tribal leaders, who realised that it was best for them to keep the peace with Rome.