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William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare

The Life and Times of William Shakespeare
  • Most famous of all writers
  • Greatest characters of all time
  • Baptism in Stratford 26.4.1564
  • Only child to survive more than a year in the family
  • Born in Religious revolution
  • Warwickshire boy
  • William's mother was an Arden- A catholic family
  • William loved studying the Medieval s.
  • John Shakespeare was an excellent glove maker
  • Family had extravagant tastes
  • John joined Civic order, became quite wealthy
  • Could be either faith still
  • William was taught in a Tudor grammer school
  • Enjoyed studying and acting in plays at school
  • His favourite was royster doister
  • In his play Richard II he refers to a view in Lancashire
  • Refers to brogging in plays
  • Saw mystery plays in Coventry these were closed when he was 15.
  • School master taught him poetry when he was 9.
  • 1576, suddenly became very poor.
  • Left school early at the age of 13 and worked for his father
  • In 1580 the queen ordered the execution of over 200 Catholics there was no longer a compromise
  • There was a catholic bible find in Williams attic
  • When William was 18 he fell in love with his father's business partner's daughter Anne Hathaway
  • 27th November 1582 William got his licence
  • Anne was also pregnant with his baby
  • They were married on 30th November 1582
  • For his newly married wife he wrote a poem/sonnet, his first ever.

    'Those lips that loves own hand did make and I hate to meet but languished for her sake, my wilful state straight in her heart didn't, didn't mercy come, though sweet was used in giving gentle doom to greet, I hate she altered with an end that followed a knight who like a friend from hell was flown away from hate away she threw I've saved not you'  

  • Shakespeare's Parents

    • Six months later had first child a daughter called Susanne
    • Lived with his family in Stratford
    • In 1583, William was in big trouble he poached Commander in Chief Lucy's deer
    • Autumn of 1585, William was 19, on 26th October, Will's cousin was broadcasting his thoughts about assissinating the queen, in a local pub
    • Due to this all the Arden's were arrested, Somerville(will's stupid cousin) and his wife were executed publicly.
    • William never forgot his past
    • When he was 19 going 20 he got a job in Lancashire under the alias of Shakeshafft at Houghton Castle.
    • William's stratford teacher was a Houghton, thought to be the connection between William and Lancashire
    • There is a log which says that William was a teacher in Lancashire, at Hougton castle and in the town.
    • Shakespeare in his Father's Shop

    • William was teaching Catholic stories
    • 10 years later in 1595 Ferdinando Stanley spotted Williams talent in London
    • Hesketts were true to the old faith, William joined the Heskett players in the Heskett hall
    • In 1599 when putting together the plans for the globe his trustee was Thomas Savage from Rufford
    • In Henry VII part 3 William refers to a wide estruary that as the tide goes out there is a courseway that he used to walk to Rufford
    • In 1585 William was back in Stratford for the baptism of his twins Hamnet and Judy.
    • John was now Bankrupt and humiliated in 1586. He was dropped as a councillor in Straford because he didn't turn up for meetings. William now supported his parents and his wife and kids with his wages. He had no choice.
    • In the summer of 1587 the Queen's men come to town. William joined them and left his family behind.
    • It was as though he had forgotten them though he was going off to earn money to feed them with
    • The Queen's men were set up to warn people of the war.
    • 1588 - William was 24 - 17th November the Spanish armada was defeated.
    • Ahead of Christmas that year William came to London with the Queen's men.
    • Shakespeare at School

    • But he left them and went alone. He was living his fantasy of becoming a writer.
    • His first London address was in Bishop's Gate. James burbage built the first of Williams companies stages.

    • William's main rival was Christopher Marlowe. His first published play was Titunas Andronicus, first acted for Stanley. The Lancashire man who helped to found Williams players.
    • Williams plays were based on English History, they were extremely popular
    • In 1593 Christopher Marlowe was murdered.
    • From 1590-1620 William ruled supreme in the english theatre
    • In Summer 1593 his first poem went to press while the plague run rife through London.
    • Schoolhouse

    • 11 August 1596- Hamnet dies aged 11
    • The following Spring William was commisioned by the first lady of the time to write sonnets. They express his emotions, thought to be for the loss of his son
    • In 1597 he was in trouble for tax evasion, moved to Southwarke
    • 1603 He was appointed artist in chief for the whole of England
    • In late 30's now used his life experiences in his plays.
    • 1603 Queen Elizabeth dies, England became Stuart, Shakespeare and other poets wrote about the change
    • William's troop of actors were renamed "the s men"William was now servant on the royal payroll
    • In 1603 there is a record of Shakespeare living with the mountjoy family, this is known because he appeared in a court case over a diary containing this information
    • James I originally came to London in May 1604
    • Shakespeare was among the first to be isuued with materials from his Royal Highness
    • He was issued with enough red cloth to make a new outfit for James' official coronation and shows afterwards.
    • His outfit was his status symbol - His scarlet livery in the 's court
    • Williams role in the ceremony was as one of the ushers who carried the canopy over the
    • Some of his sonnets reflect this experience
    • From 1604 at Christmas William and the 's men were expected to entertain the royals. This was how Shakespeare earn't his fortunes.
    • During the summer "The 's Men" performed over 100 plays, 35 of which were different, 21 of which were new.
    • In November 1605 the government had announced the foiling of a plot at the heart of the English rule, they found 37 barrels of gunpowder from their own cellars. This event was to become known as the gunpowder plot.
    • The people involved in the gunpowder plot were gentrys from Stratford trying to restore the old Catholic faith. Shakespeare was probably related to some or at least knew some of the men
    • As a result of this incident people were writing plays and poems of an anti-paypist nature. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, about the murder of the , paranoiya, supernatural powers, all the feelings and acts of the past six months. Completed in 1606.
    • Macbeth was highly topical, once thought a prediction of James's fate, James still enjoyed watching though.
    • In 1607 Williams plays had to be re-written or he had to face a £10 fine for every profanity. He was even attacked with accusations that he was a paypist poet.
    • Publishing was also becoming very popular. Peoples main interests were reading and going to the theatre.
    • The people who dictated what was published or not was The Stationers Company.
    • Shakespeare's 3 most popular plays were Henry IV, Richard II, Richard III
    • His history plays were published with controversial scenes cut.
    • William loved writing History as it was easier to write as he was not restricted to what he could write.
    • Shakespeare co-wrote a play "Sir Thomas Moore", This was never performed because the censors stopped it. It is stored in the archives at the Central London Library.
    • A Lot of Shakespeare's plays can be related to life today.
    • During 1606 - 1608 there was a damp down on religion. William's daughter was one of the people fined for not adopting the protestant faith. During this time William wrote Lear, which highlights the problems of the occasion.
    • In 1607, Shakespeare's daughter Susanne, felll in love and married William was soon to be a grandfather.
    • Doctor John Hall was a puritan (susanne's husband) but he was a good doctor because he adopted the open door policy
    • Shakespeare in 1607, wrote the play Coriolanus, in which he wrote about the diggers revolt.
    • In 1608 the company opened a second theatre in the Black Friars district
    • The black friars made them more money than the globe, it became their indoor winter home
    • Anne Hathaways Cottage

    • It was also a more intimate setting for the plays, Cardenio is another lost play, all that was found was a scene and a song.
    • The actors were painted their portraits.
    • William wrote the tempest in 1611, it was more than a hit autobiographical
    • His plays, last ones, always end up the same.
    • Shakespeare was a father, a control freak, take revenge on the enemy, then says he will throw away his supernatural powers
    • In the Spring of 1613 Shakespeare was believed to have taken part in Jousts which celebrated James's auspicious rule.
    • Shakespeare and Burbage made the knights chivalry outfits.
    • Shakespeare was paid in gold by the Earl.
    • In the Summer of 1613 Shakespeare bought a house in the Black Friars.
    • This house was known by the governemnt as a safe house for the Catholic underground.
    • Henry VIII Was written to show how events shaped Williams childhood.
    • In 1614 the Globe was accidently torched during a performance. William sold his share and finally bowed out of the theatre.
    • He returned to Warwickshire where he spent his retirement
    • In 1616 he fell ill he was 51 years old.
    • It was rumoured that Shakespeare died of a fever he caught whilest on a drin binge with some friends, no-one knows for sure.
    • In his will he left most of his property to Susanne, gave his wife his second best bed and left money to his three closest actors to buy rings.
    • He died on 23rd April 1616 - St George's day - also his birthday, he would have been 52
    • Hemmings and Condole made up a volume of William's work in 1623 as a mark of their love for William and for us all to enjoy for all time.

    Anne Hathaways Cottage

  • William and Susanna

  • Travelling Players

  • Performance in a Country House

  • St Marys Hall Coventry

  • Shakespeare Writing

  • Earl of SouthamptonWilliam Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway

  • Burbage Family

  • The Dark Lady

  • New Globe Theatre

  • Performance before Queen Elizabeth

  • William ShakespeareShakespeare Family PortraitFamily PortraitShakespeare's Grave


  • A Time line For Shakespeare's Plays

  • 1589 - 91 = Henry VI Parts 1, 2, and 3. Titus Andronicus
    1593 = Richard III, Venus and Adonis, The Comedy of Errors, The taming of the Shrew
    1594 = Two gentlemen of Verona, Love's Labour's Lost, Romeo and Juliet
    1595 = Richard II, A Midsummer nights Dream
    1596 = John, The Merchant of Venice
    1597 = Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2
    1598 = Much Ado about nothing, The Merry Wives of Windsor
    1599 = Julius Caesar, As you like it, Henry V
    1600 = Twelth Night
    1601 = Troilus and cressida, Hamlet
    1602 = Alls well that ends well
    1603 = Othello, Measure for Measure
    1604 = Timon of Athens
    1605 = Lear
    1606 = Macbeth
    1607 = Coriolanus
    1608 = Antony and Cleopatra, Pericles
    1609 = Cymbeline
    1610 = The Winter's Tale, The Tempest
    1613 = Henry VIII, The Two Noble Kinsmen




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